Dry goods ! The wiper blade is properly maintained in four guidelines .



Dry goods ! The wiper blade is properly maintained in four guidelines .

Postview: 282       Date:March 30, 2022


TOPEX Is Research And Development Design , Manufacturing ,
Sales And Service As One Of The Wiper Blade Professional Manufacturer.


  • Focus On Wiper Blade 16 Years .
  • Top 10 Wiper Blade In China .
  • More Than 12000 Customers Choose Topex .


2018 is almost coming to an end. Have you noticed about travel safety ?



Be sure to use it in the presence of rain. Waterless use increases frictional assistance and damages the rubber blade and wiper motor. Usually “ dry cleaning ” is more expensive .




If the windshield has foreign matter such as dried bird droppings . Do not use a wiper to scrape directly, which will cause partial damage to the wiper blade, resulting in a wiper that does not clean the rain. Remember !




It can be scraped with a slow gear, and it can be scraped quickly. The frequency of use is large. The number of rubbing times is large, and the service life of the wiper blade is correspondingly reduced .




Keep the wiper blade clean. If the wiper blade is attached to sand, it will scratch the glass and cause damage to itself .




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Email :  jacky@topexwiper.com.

Website:  www.topexwiper.com.